Shopping-cart summary Your shopping cart contains: 2 products

Product Description Avail. Unit price Qty Total  


Total products CAD $1,233.70
Total gift-wrapping cost: CAD $0.00
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Total (tax excl.) CAD $1,233.70
Total tax CAD $61.68
Total CAD $1,295.38
Ai 10L 400°C Max Beaker Heater With Temperature Controller ETL

Ai 10L 400°C Max Beaker Heater With Temperature Controller ETL

In Stock CAD $1,179.86 CAD $1,179.86
10" Tri-Clamp Viton or BUNA-N Gasket

10" Tri-Clamp Viton or BUNA-N Gasket

In Stock CAD $53.84 CAD $53.84

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Cost to be determined by weight, distance & shipping method required. Our shipping agent will call you to make arrangements. (Products concerned: Ai 10L 400°C Max Beaker Heater With Temperature Controller ETL ,  10" Tri-Clamp Viton or BUNA-N Gasket )
Extractor King In-store pickup The best price and speed
In-store pickup (Products concerned: Ai 10L 400°C Max Beaker Heater With Temperature Controller ETL ,  10" Tri-Clamp Viton or BUNA-N Gasket )

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