Our products are ISO, 3A & CE certified. All our extraction systems undergo rigorous testing. We produce custom closed loop extraction systems, sanaitary ss304 pipe fittings & accessories meeting the highest standards in the industry.
Extractor King Industries is and authorized distributor for Master Vapor (MVP) Recovery Pumps, PDX Gold Recovery Pumps & CPS Pumps.
The cleanest pumps for the most powerful extraction systems.
The STAR150, TwinSTAR and TriSTAR (Solvent Transfer And Recovery) are the latest technology from PDX.Gold and are a powerful addition to any processing lab
CPS Products, Inc. serves multiple industries with application-built, industry-specific innovations and advancements in recovery pump technologies and products.
The Master Vapor Pump Model MVP-6CFM is a certified gas recovery pump designed to operate at 60 PSI. This pump is designed specifically for LP-Gas vapor recovery and is ideal for butane or butane / propane mixtures. The Master Vapor Pump Model MVP-6CFM is a certified gas recovery...
The Master Vapor Pump Model MVP-150XL is a certified gas recovery pump designed to operate at 150 PSI. It can handle over three times the volume of vapor as our standard MVP-150. This pump is designed specifically for LP-Gas vapor recovery and is ideal for butane or butane / propane mixtures. Please note that this model of the MVP 150 only comes with... The Master Vapor Pump Model MVP-150XL is a certified gas recovery...
The Master Vapor Pump - Liquid is a certified liquid recovery pump designed for solvent extraction processing. This pump is designed specifically for LP-Gas and Ethanol liquid recovery and is ideal for LP-Gas or LP-Gas / Ethanol mixtures. The Master Vapor Pump - Liquid is a certified liquid recovery pump...
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CAD $21,468.25The PDX Gold STAR 150 in a frame Solvent Transfer And Recovery Pump is the latest technology from PDX Gold and is a potent addition to any processing lab. The PDX Gold STAR 150 in a frame Solvent Transfer And Recovery Pump...
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CAD $27,973.78The VaporSTAR 150G (w/gauges) Solvent Transfer And Recovery pump is the latest technology from PDX Gold and is a powerful addition to your processing facility. The VaporSTAR 150G (w/gauges) Solvent Transfer And Recovery pump is...
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CAD $32,739.57The VaporSMARTZ iQ150 Solvent Transfer And Recovery pump has gauges & the latest auto shut off smart technology from PDX Gold. The VaporSMARTZ iQ150 Solvent Transfer And Recovery pump has gauges...
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CAD $45,387.87The PDX Gold 2x STAR 150's in a frame Solvent Transfer And Recovery Pump is the latest technology from PDX Gold and is a potent addition to any processing lab. The PDX Gold 2x STAR 150's in a frame Solvent Transfer And Recovery...
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CAD $67,079.87The PDX Gold 3x STAR 150's in a frame Solvent Transfer And Recovery Pump is the latest technology from PDX Gold and is a potent addition to any processing lab. The PDX Gold 3x STAR 150's in a frame Solvent Transfer And Recovery...
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CAD $1,987.78The CycloneDry family of filter driers will eliminate water damage to your expensive recovery pump. The CycloneDry family of filter driers will eliminate water damage...
The TRS21 (RMAK Versioin) comes with the RMAK Stainless Steel Piston-Rod-Bearing set w/Viton gasket kits made to last up to 7 times longer than a regular TRS21. These units are meant for butane recovery. This is an Anti-Spark/Explosion pump designed and build specifically for Butane, Propane and R-600, Ignition Proof Construction meets ANSI/ISA 12:12.1 The TRS21 (RMAK Versioin) comes with the RMAK Stainless Steel...